1940s Coro Flower Bouquet Brooch Pin is a wonderful statement piece dated 1942s. It is a much older hard to find piece by Coro.
Designed by Adolph Katz was patented on 2 March 1942 under number 131.518
The must have for any collector!
The flowers are enameled (hand painted) have a nice Cyclamen rose with cherry red veins and purple hues on the edges of the petals and the large flowers are set with 2 large prong set emerald green rhinestones. The smaller flowers are set with faux pearls with accenting green leaves. An airy golden bow holds the stems of the bouquet
The gold plating is rich and clean
This is a real statement piece that measures 3 3/8" x 2 1/4" (cm.8,50x5,70) and weighs 34 grams.
On back shows the early CORO signature
Condition: In Very Good Antique condition, showing age appropriate wear overall. This brooch is at over 80 years old and some wear is expected. Having said that, I see no loose or missing stones and no signs of replacement or repair. The gold plating of the metal has miraculously remained intact and bright, the enameling is absent on some of the smaller flowers, while on the two large ones it shows beautiful artistic craftsmanship
The glass pearls have perfect nacre, their lustre is a lovely pinkish ivory
The pin and clasp are intact and functional.
The pictures and video are part of the listing. Please, fell free to ask question about it.
Take Care of the Past: A quick wipe with a soft cloth should keep it looking it’s best. Storage should be in a cloth, silk bag or a box to keep it from banging around loose in a jewelry box or drawer.
Absolutely drop-dead gorgeous!
350,00 €
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Enamel, simulated pearls, crystal stones
Goldtone plated metal
Early CORO sign
Designed by Adolph Katz was patented on 2 March 1942 under number 131.518